
Something Something Heavenly Bodies

 Hey there, been a while. Again. Nothing special here, no glimpse into the life of your favorite space captain of the SS Hiatus. That’ll come later ;) . I wrote a review for a goofy lil space game I’ve been playing, or rather the new DLC they just put out. Reddit saw it first (kill me), but I liked what I wrote, and I haven’t written in a while, so I’m adding it to the ever-so-gradually expanding treasure trove/sewage drain of my titled works. I present to you my thoughts on Cleanup, Heavenly Bodies’ new DLC. Long read ahead with MAJOR spoilers.  Since completing the original game and getting most achievements not involving Newtonian mode, I hadn’t played in a good few months, until I was browsing the PlayStation store and noticed the new DLC. I was psyched; I really loved the base game (still do honestly) and was in a bit of a game drought, so I went for it. Now having finished, I’m a little underwhelmed. Some positive notes, it’s still very much Heavenly Bodies. The visual style and


Fancy seeing you here. Woah! We're back after another three month hiatus! Finally had another little burst of inspiration the other night, and spent a good while just flexing some writing muscles, it was nice. I'd highly recommend it, even if you do end up doing it until five in the morning and trashing the next day's productivity. Kachow! So a bit of explanation, sometimes when I'm trying to focus on something I get a mild form of sensory overload. Too many people trying to talk at once, too many sights to process, it's like there's a kind of wall of noise, visual or audible, that starts to box my mind in and I get really irritable until I can take a minute to re-center myself. Normally I do this by putting on headphones and drowning everything else out in music, but lately I've been trying some really basic meditation. Controlled breathing, focusing on an imaginary central point, just mentally realigning myself. And it's hard, my brain is

To You, Dear Sailors

Hey hey, been a minute.      I guess it was just wishful thinking when I said I'd try and keep this a regular thing, but Captain's back, bay-bee! Been getting back into a kind of creative groove lately, a bit of writing, more drawing than usual... it's nice. For a while I really wanted to finally add Entry #2 but I had hit a dry patch in terms of meaningful writing, I've got like three drafts that'll either get worked on later or just deleted because they were sleepless nonsense. But I've actually retained a little sliver of pride for this ol' chestnut, partially because it's some of the better advice I've given, even if I never said it to anyone.      I've always been better giving my two cents when it's had time to grow on paper (or I guess through text), and this is no exception. A while back, a good friend of mine and I were driving home late at night from a friend's place after something of a disheartening event, and it wasn't


*slaps roof of blog* This bad boy can fit so many spurring thoughts in it. Welcome, welcome.      Over the past couple years I've had a note in my phone titled Thoughts , where I usually jot down some kind of personal narrative, scheme-less poem, or snippet of a short story I had a flash of an idea for. Some of them aren't half bad, and I might post a couple of them here later, and some will never see the light of day because zoinks they're not great, but a common theme among all of them is that they don't seem like something I wrote because I wanted to go back and read it sometime. To me at least, they feel structured more in the sense of a story you'd tell a friend, or a writing assignment you'd turn in, knowing a teacher's gonna read it. A lot of them are catered to someone. Not just anyone, but also nobody in particular. So I guess this is my way of putting that type of writing "out there", to give it the chance to be read by someone other